Ten minutes is all it takes to get your clean house in order. The trick though lies in following a regimental routine. Follow the ten minute routine and trust me, your home will be neat and clean and presentable at all times. But first, the easy thing is to just ask your kids to clean their room! This will save you a lot of time. Ok, here is how you begin.
- Decide on a room you want to settle and set a ten minute timer
- Begin with picking up and putting things away in their designated place
- Wipe surfaces clean and straighten up the bed-cover, tablecloth, curtains etc
- You will be surprised at how much better the room looks after this quick fix cleaning technique.
Make a habit of it, and your home will always be tidy. Set A Cleaning Routine No one likes living/visiting an unkempt, cluttered home. To keep your home clean at all times you need better victoria bc house cleaning tips along with an easy cleaning routine, so tidying up your home does not seem like a dreadful chore. There are two basic rules to follow when cleaning your home.
Clean your kitchen and bathroom on a daily basis – You won’t take more than ten minutes doing this. Wipe down counters and the stove once you are done cooking. The grease and the grime do not get time to harden and are the easiest to get rid of when fresh. Clean the toilet bowl just before you shower and wipe off water droplets off the faucet; tiles, etc after you are done bathing; so there are no tough satins to tackle at a later date.
If you want better Canadian living then keep your house clean! 2. Keep the weekends (or appoint a day in the week) for cleaning the living area and bedrooms – Begin by opening the windows and doors and letting fresh air flow through.